NYE 12 Hours of Fitness

December 31, 2022 - Bellevue CrossFit

Here at LivingFit Crossfit, we celebrate the dawn of a new year with twelve (12) glorious hours of fitness.  Structured in a familiar format, an “EHOH” if you will, we drop a new workout every hour on the hour from 10:00am to 10:00pm.  There are no rules and no obligations.  If an athlete wants to drop in for two hours in the morning and then return later in the evening for three more, perfect.  Only have an hour to spare?  Drop in for one session and call it a day.  It’s all about getting your fitness in and breaking a sweat!

Still sounds scary and unreasonable?  Don’t worry, these workouts are quick and easy.  Most last around 10-15 minutes, which gives everyone plenty of time to rest and recover.  Indulge in our copious feast of energy bars, protein oats, and sugary treats.  Spend time connecting with friends and the community.  Then gear up and dive into your next workout.

Saturday - 10:00pm

When the final clock buzzed, the LivingFit Crossfit “12 Hours of Fitness” was complete. Over 50+ athletes had stepped through our doors and gave it their all. Battling through workouts such as the infamous LivingFit Benchmark WOD: Death Wish: a ~25 minute amalgamation of Fran and her barbell cycling relatives, and classics like Nancy, Diane, Annie + Jackie, and Elizabeth. Congratulations to everyone that participated. This was a major achievement to be proud of.

And big shoutouts to everyone that donated food and drinks.  Our athletes would not have survived without your help.  Thank you to all of the coaches, especially Coach Avry, for leading and organizing this massive event.  We host this every year, so we look forward to seeing everyone next December. Enjoy the holidays.  Here’s to another wonderful year of fitness. 

The 2023 NOBULL CrossFit Games Open is approaching

The CrossFit Open is an all inclusive global event for athletes of all ages and ability levels to challenge themselves over a three-week period, starting Feb 16, 2023.  Bring out the best of you, cheer on your fellow athletes, and create unforgettable memories during this worldwide event.  

And remember, there’s a path for everyone whether it be Rx, Scaled, or Adaptive.  If you have questions on participating, please talk to me or a coach and we will be happy to draw out a game plan that works for you. 

connor livingston